UNITOPIA has various quests, such as energy production, unit construction, asteroid exploration, as well as combat.

Let Konaso the quest by operating the Animo
You work with drag-and-drop the Animo in the quest. Since there are various stages, set the deck in the best Animo, let's clear the strategic quest.

RAID-based Quest and SOLO-based Quest
The quest, and to achieve the goal "RAID-based quest" in the sum of the results colony resident player is doing the quest, there is a SOLO system quest to individual players to achieve alone. (Also by clearing the SOLO-based Quest , remuneration in accordance with the tax rate from the reward will be added to the resources of the entire colony)

War between the colonies
Once the declaration of war is decided by the Colony Command, after 24 hours of preparation time, the inter-colony war opens.

In the colony between the war, becomes active colony between the war of the quest menu, will be each other seared between colony. As much as possible doing the colony war quest, let's cut the total HP of party central.
Colonies with a large population may not always be advantageous, as clearing the quests will do more damage.
For the defense of your own colony, let's usually strengthen the defense battery.

Colonies with a large population may not always be advantageous, as clearing the quests will do more damage.
For the defense of your own colony, let's usually strengthen the defense battery.